September 26, 2015

Friends of the Million Dollar Band
Fall 2015 Full Board Meeting Minutes
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Moody Music Building, Recital Hall


Attendance:  Mr. Paul Warren Alford, Diane Parker Battles, Mr. William Robert Baccus, Ms. Julie Alice Brand, Mr. Larry G. Canada, Mrs. Sherry Hubbard Coats, Ms. Margaret Cook, Ms. Linda Davidson, Mrs. Beverly Howell Deal, Ms. Katie Flowers, Dr. Timothy G. Gillespie, Mr. Andrew William Green, Ms. Holly Ann Grof, Mr. David Howard, Mrs. Joan Higginbotham Ingram, Dr. Russel Leon Ingram, Mr. Ronny Boyce Johnston, Mrs. Nancy Conner Julich, Mr. Jonathan Kirby, Mrs. Marian Accinno Loftin, Mr. Jeffrey M. Manget, Ms. Lisa M. Martin, Mr. William Thaddeus Mauldin, Mrs. Sheila Pinyan McAnnally, Mr. Terry Carl McAnnally, Ms. Pamela Jo McCollough, Mrs. Martha Seay Miller, Dr. Robert Avery Moore, Mrs. Shirley Brunner Moore, Mrs. Melinda B. Morrison, Ms. Connie J. Morrow, Mr. Roland Lesley Mouchette, Mr. George M. Noblin, Mr. Daniel Proctor, Dr. Terresa Shavawn Randolph, Dr. Wesley Douglas Reynolds, Mr. Jack B. Robbins, Jr., Dr. Robin Don Rogers, Mrs. Barbara Mikloucich Stone, Mr. Albert Israel Tarica, Mrs. Ramona Meadows Tarica, Mr. Christopher J. Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Wills, Mr. John Wills, Ms. Chandra Carol Wright, Mrs. Amelia Heath Yessick, Dean Robert Olin- Ex-Officio, Dr. Ken Ozello- Ex-Officio, and Ms. Kathy Yarbrough- Ex-Officio 

  1. President Pam McCullough called the meeting to order at 9:55 am. President McCollough welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed her excitement about the activities for Alumni Band Weekend.
  2. Spring 2015 minutes
    President McCullough presented the minutes from the Spring 2015 meeting which were approved with no changes.  President McCollough reminded everyone that business meetings of the board are closed to non-members so that voting can be conducted smoothly.
  3. Dean Olin shared the planning and building projects relating to the Million Dollar Band. This included information on the newly-renovated Butler Field as well as the new wing in the Moody Music Building which will provide space for the Million Dollar Band. Dean Olin also told the board about plans for construction of a parking deck that will replace the flat parking lot across from Moody, provide more parking spaces and includes climate-controlled instrument storage space for the band.
  4. Next, Dr. Ken Ozzello delivered the state of the band report. Dr. Ozzello shared that 550 students auditioned for the Million Dollar Band, 400 of which were selected as members. Next, he shared an overview of various outreach programs that the band conducted so far this fall and he expanded on details of the new Butler Field including its high tech capabilities. Dr. Ozzello introduced two MDB drum majors who gave personal testimonies about performing on the new practice field and the positive impact the new field has on the band’s performances.
  5. Committee Reports
    1. The Executive Committee report was given by President McCullough who stated that agendas for the committees were reviewed and approved. She also told the board the Executive Committee recommends that a new committee be added called the Student Life Ad-Hoc Committee which will include Million Dollar Band members; the purpose will be to hear from MDB members about their challenges and needs.
    2. The Membership Committee report was given by chair Ronny Johnston. Mr. Johnston stated that ten members were present in their committee meeting. He updated the board on current membership which now consists of 194 members, 152 members paid $100.00 or more (including 12 Lifetime Members) and 42 grandfathered in as Lifetime members. There will be a mailing in October to the 4,000 MDB alumni mailing list soliciting new members to join the Friends of the Million Dollar Band. He concluded with challenging all members to recruit at least one new member in the next year.
    3. The Finance Committee report was given by the chair Barbara Stone. Mrs. Stone updated the board on the Friends of the Million Dollar Band account which currently has $23,650.00. Dean Olin agreed to fund the expenses of the Friends for the next four years as he did in the initial year which September 30, 2015. The Finance committee recommended to the board that $25,000.00 be used to endow a scholarship called the “Friends of the Million Dollar Band Endowed Scholarship” with the College of Arts and Sciences contributing $3,000.00 to start the fund. Kathy Yarbrough, Director of Development for the College of Arts and Sciences, explained that once $25,000.00 is in a new endowed scholarship account, a resolution will written, the Friends of the Million Dollar Band will approve conditions of the resolution, and then President McCollough and Dean Olin will sign on behalf of the organization. There were several questions from board members regarding the scholarship and resolution in terms of wording and approval; these questions were answered by Kathy Yarbrough, Barbara Stone, and Pam McCullough. The Finance Committee also recommended funding the annual end of the season banquet for band members. President McCullough presented a motion to set aside the $25,000.00 for the endowment of the Friends scholarship. The motion was unanimously approved. President McCullough also presented a motion to fund the banquet either partially or fully, funds permitting, with a maximum of $5,000.00. This motion was approved unanimously.
    4. The Events Committee report was given by the chair Jack Robbins. Mr. Robbins stated that the committee brainstormed various ideas for online sales that could raise money for the band as well as ideas on social media promotion for the Friends of the Million Dollar Band. He suggested there be two sub-committees to work on these issues.
    5. The By-Laws Committee report was delivered by the chair Larry Canada. He stated that the By-Laws committee still needs an additional member and that there were no additions or changes to the by-laws at this time. New ideas will be presented at the next board meeting.There was no new business to discuss.
  6. There was no new business to discuss.
  7. The Fall board meeting for the Friends of the Million Dollar Band was adjourned at 10:36 AM on Saturday, September 26, 2015.

Respectfully submitted by:  Ronny Johnston, Secretary        Date:  September 26, 2015